
HOP Podcast #7: How to use Energy Healing for Chronic Disease w/ Dr. Sue Morter


International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high-frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential. Through her seminars, retreats, and presentations she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy medicine; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery. In this episode, Dr. Sue talks about Energy Healing for Chronic Disease.

Dr. Sue’s visionary model and techniques ignite an entirely new approach to living in creative genius and personal freedom through capturing and enhancing high-frequency energy patterns in the body. She draws from her experience as a doctor for over 30 years, inspiration from a life-changing awakening during meditation, and her personal passion for cracking the code of life itself. Her greatest joy is sharing her discoveries with others.

Dr. Sue is nationally published and has served on professional licensing boards, providing guidance to health care practitioners on integrative approaches to health care leadership. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council.

She is founder and visionary of the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science.

Dr. Sue released her first book, The Energy Codes: A 7-Step System to Awaken the Spirit, Heal the Body, and Live Your Best Life, with Simon & Schuster in the spring of 2019.

Dr. Sue Morter speaks worldwide on the topics of ‘user-friendly’ Quantum Science, BioEnergetics, Natural Healing, and Human Potential. She bridges these worlds with an appeal to the senses, ‘gut feelings’ and the core essence of who we are as human beings.

Speaking of human energy fields, energy centers in the body and their influence on creative capacity and physical healing Dr. Sue discusses the relationship of the conscious and subconscious mind and how they relate to anxiety and stress versus triumph and success.

The Energy Codes is now available at all good book retailers and on Amazon here.
To learn more about Dr. Sue Morter visit her website here: https://drsuemorter.com/

Here’s the full transcript of this episode:

Steven:  Welcome to The Human Origin Project, where we explore The Science of You. To keep up to date go to our iTunes channel and subscribe and please leave a review if you enjoyed today’s show.

Today I’m very honored to be talking to Dr. Sue Morter, the author of The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life. Dr. Sue is an expert in quantum biology and energy medicine with the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Dr. Morter at speaks worldwide on the topics of user-friendly quantum science, bioenergetics, natural healing, and human potential. She’s long advocated the science of activating high-frequency energy patterns in the human body. As a health practitioner, I see people suffer from mindset problems every day.

You can tell when someone’s energy is low but the problem is we don’t have the tools to interpret this in mainstream settings. Dr. Morter takes us through the step by step meditation and bodily functions to help our mind take control of our lives. I had great fun talking to Dr. Sue. She’s the embodiment of energy.

I highly recommend you grab a copy of The Energy Codes which is out on March 19 at all good book retailers. I really hope you enjoy this exploration of quantum biology consciousness and how to elevate your own energy levels.

It crosses such a broad field of scientific and really applicable knowledge today that really there are a lot of different people bringing this together. And I’m really excited to share your story as to how you’ve extracted such a skill set. One thing we do before we start is that we always ask you a question about what’s one of your earliest memories that has shaped your life.

Dr Sue: [0:02:07] As a child, as a kid, I remember being able to see energy fields around people. It’s amazing to me that we live in a time where I get to talk about this because for many, many years I didn’t.

I would ask my mom what’s that yellow thing following dad around on stage as he was teaching these other doctors his energy medicine principles, this is back in the ‘70s. I could see that it would make her a little bit nervous because she would look and she couldn’t see what that was.

I would ask kids at school, what’s that red thing hanging out on the playground around us. I make the joke that I played alone at recess a lot because it’s like, who talks about stuff like that? So I shut it down because it created friction in my life. In my 20s and 30s, I wanted to get it back and couldn’t and then ultimately, led my life in the friction of really suppressing the truth of who I am.

In that great pain got generated. And in the midst of that pain, I sought out meditation. Instantly as soon as I started meditating, all kinds of multi-dimensional experiences started happening, one of which as I came back out of meditation was my ability to see the energy fields again.

As I stilled my mind I could again have access to the deep true essential self. This is what we have to do. So it led me into recreating the circuits exploring, I turned my life into a living laboratory to figure out how to access these multi-dimensional states because I knew that it was setting me free to find access to them. I wanted to be able to do it on command so that led me into the years of process research, clinical and experiential that I’ve had.

Steven:  [0:03:59] It’s a fascinating story. You really kind of have to wonder what a child would think when you see that. Your dad was talking about energy healing so it’s not like it was an unfamiliar space but it was still unacceptable. It’s amazing kind of the trip you have to go to really reclaim that. Tell us about your training and your background, what you did in your college years between that, the awakening, as you call it.

Dr. Sue:  [0:04:25] Sure. I was raised in an environment of energy medicine. Quantum science was our dinner table conversation, basically that thoughts create things and that what we intend to ultimately out pictures. This was my upbringing. I’ve never been to the doctor and gotten an antibiotic for a health condition that I’ve had.

I’ve always been directed toward natural healing and trained and just by upbringing it was my reality that we have the ability to heal ourselves that we are supposed to be self-healing, self-referencing, self-regulating and ultimately self-illuminating individuals.
I went to school to become a chiropractor to be able to work with energy medicine the way that my father was teaching it around the world. I travelled and help teach other doctors how to do the work, and all this through the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s, etc.

Ultimately, I started to feel a sense of friction and frustration in my life because I had shut down these innate, internal abilities and had moved into an intellectualization of the concepts.

Not really allowing my own version of it to be valid, to be true, to be revealed on an ongoing basis and trust it to take me where I needed to go, I shut it down and started using my head, moved up into my head like we do to figure out how to do it in a right way or an acceptable way, one that belonged or fit in, etc.

I, of course, met up with the frustrations that occur from living in our heads like everyone experiences ultimately and I was drawn to meditation. Within meditation, I had an instant awakening experience that was to change my life forever.

Meanwhile, I’ve been in a clinical setting, doing reproducible experiential modalities that were all based in outcomes for healing. I had scoliosis, I had migraine headaches, I had all kinds of things going on because I wasn’t able to apply for myself individually what I was able to help other people do because I was doing hands-on modalities with them.
Moving energies in the body, removing subconscious interferences, establishing a better relationship between the conscious and the subconscious in them and when that relationship got established their bodies would start to heal. It was a great success and I was doing that and everything was working.

Except that internally because I was suppressing some part of my own true self in the midst of all that, an implosion was happening in my own body. The pain started happening. I was unable to go to work, multiple times a month, one or two days a week for a series of months and that’s what led me into meditation.

I was like, oh, this empirical data is fantastic and these outcomes for patients are certainly working but something is missing in my own personal experience. What we now know in that sciences even, validating, of course, is that experience is what’s real, and that we have to develop science that can explain our experiences rather than invalidating our experience because there’s no science to prove what’s happening or to validate its possibility. So we are turning inside out, right?

Steven:  [0:07:34] That’s a really good point and your journey explores how science is catching up to some of the phenomena that you experienced earlier in your life. You were talking about quantum science earlier in your life.

How would you explain how that has come in because that’s come leaps and bounds in the last decades? That’s what we are really seeing. We are seeing an expansion of the scientific field to understand the phenomena that are real in terms of these strange, what we would call potentially any kind of phenomena whether it’s paranormal or anything like that.

So how would you say that the quantum science has progressed in those early conversations into what was today that is very, very real in the consciousness is a part of our reality and the fundamental part of it?

Dr. Sue:  [0:08:23] Sure. Quantum science has been around for over 100 years, it’s closer to 200 years where these experiences, actually even back to the turn of the century, that last century that we just came out of in terms of understanding that as the electron microscope was invented and we became aware of the world tinier than atoms we began to recognize that thoughts and perceptions are having an influence over what we see.
And so we are creating our reality 100% and we are now recognizing this. So really what’s come so far is humanity’s interpretation or understanding or awareness of what quantum science has been showing us for a long, long time, for generations.

What’s happening is a critical mass is occurring and this is fantastic because once we hit critical mass in this kind of a fashion there’s no stopping it. We are reawakening to the fact that we are creating this entire experience and as we do so we will become able to manage our experiences in a proactive way.

We’ll be able to hit it off at the pass, if you will, or to generate heaven on earth kind of experience, or to heal ourselves, or to change the necessity for war, for profit in order to feel that something is actually happening on this planet.

And so as we do that it’s because we are embracing what quantum science has been showing us. And so the expansion of quantum science into our culture is what is ultimately going to change our cultural exchanges.

Steven:  [0:10:02] For someone that has been in it for so long, what’s your interpretation of quantum science and for instance the ideas of the Copenhagen interpretation, the double slit experiment?

Where and how a matter is a wave and it can exist in potentially two points it at any one time, where does consciousness—and anyone listening to this podcast where they are that thing that sits behind their eyes behind that when you strip it all away, that’s that presence that is there.

Where does that sit in terms of all of this talk of physics and particles? For you, how do you explain that because I think you’ve got a very concise understanding of that?

Dr. Sue:  [0:10:47] Sure. We are awareness itself and so where we are seated will ultimately determine the experience that we are having. If we are attached to the mind, if we are seated on the mind field we are based in duality.

And so we are based in fear, because in any dualistic experience if we are enjoying ourselves at this moment there’s a background fear that in the next moment we are not going to be enjoying ourselves. And so we then begin to protect and try to control our environment so that we can continue enjoying our experience. It will never work that way.
What we have to do is un-attach from the mind and really seek ourselves as that presence behind everything being stripped away, what’s left, it’s the true essence of who we are. And that in the quantum world is this standing, it is the stone point. It is the absolute presence itself.

And so when we identify as that we start to dissolve the need for the dualistic experience and everything begins to change. We don’t have to validate. We don’t look outwardly for our feedback. We have a sense of self that is established in wholeness.

This idea of being in two places at once and these types of circumstance answers that are so phenomenal too and fantastical to our linear trained minds is an absolute true reality.
It is quite possible for us to be experiencing multi-dimensionally, simultaneously what we call parallel universe or what we call otherworldly experience is actually happening simultaneously and we span all the dimensions in that way. The quantum flips something that I write about in the book and that is that it is showing that zero-point field isn’t required for something to change its momentum into a different direction.

That we can be moving in any direction instantaneously, without having to slow down and turn around. The fact that we’ve been based in this linear world thinking that it’s going to be a process, I have to slow down my old habits and turn them around to build new habits, is actually an ancient idea. It’s really not where we are today.

That is an instant we can generate a different vibrational frequency and therefore a different reality upon command. We just have to learn how to build the circuitry to be able to recognize that is possible for us in a consistent and unwavering fashion.
That’s what I’m doing is I’m teaching people how to build the neuro-circuitry by first working with the quantum field. First, the electromagnetic energy has to build the circuitry through a chaotic mess which we’ve been living in.

Steven:  [0:13:31] Yeah. The I think what you are really talking about here is that there are levels of understanding with this and once we go to understand the basic levels, we can then progress higher in a much more progressive fashion because we are not misinterpreting.

Because if we think that the world is just matter and that this is everything that’s here, I kind of put it as 20th Century science we kind of worked at all the meta stuff and then like, we kind of bring it all together.

And so once you place things on its correct platform and so once we realize that these tiny particles that everything is made up of really isn’t matter and that our consciousness is connecting and moving into this it really does start to make sense of as to then how can we manipulate this.

One thing I think that people today need is they need to understand how it applies to them. Quantum biology is kind of like a newish-term. It’s been around for a while as well but I mean, we know now so that these principles apply to the body.

We know for instance quantum-tunneling and it’s certain enzymatic reactions rely on the spin of particles. That makes it very real for people that this stuff is happening in your body and that you can affect it. What are the some of the findings in that kind of field that you feel that it’s really kind of breakthrough?

Dr Sue: [0:14:58] Everything is energy. Everything is just energy vibrating at different frequencies. And as we begin to master, our perceptive field in tone, and when we look from that perspective that this is all just energy and the vibrational frequency that I sustain in my own personal environment is going to determine the common ground of energetic.

The vibrational frequency that’s like the universal bandwidth, like the emergency broadcast system on a radio system that addresses all radio stations so no matter which one you are listening to, you would get this message. So there is this master field, this master frequency that we have to learn to train our minds to find and to sit on and to not let anything pull us off of that frequency.

We have to build the circuitry in our own system to be able to do that. Otherwise, we are wobbling and there’s a distortion in the field and we look out through this field and we see a distorted reality. We see one that looks like it’s unfair or unkind or loving, or that the necessities of protectivism and survivorship are appropriate.

That’s a distortion in our thinking. It’s a distortion in our perceptive field. I’m teaching people how to build the circuitry to stabilize this rising awareness that we are as we are incrementally awakening more and more and more to stabilize in that way so that we take the wobble out of our own energetic system and that shifts the field from being distorted to be more perfect.

And then we can see that there’s actually no challenge here at all. The reflection of that inside our own physicality which is a reflection of our consciousness and our ability to master this master frequency is that we heal. We start to heal physically. I healed scoliosis in my body.

I healed migraine headaches as well because I started learning how to flow this energy through the system with my mind consciously and intentionally by using my body as a feedback mechanism to teach my mind where circuits needed to be built more efficiently, more effectively, etc and by doing so have the ability to self-heal.

So the vibrational frequency that comes all the way into the cellular level that changes us on a chemical level through the relationship between the endocrine system and the mind field what happens is we start receiving messages at the cellular level that are more perfected through the study of epigenetics which is that our genes are not the be all end all.

But rather they are turned on or turned off by our environment through little antennas on the surface of the cell, that pick up a message and then report into the internal cell about the state of the union, if you will, whether we should be creating chemicals of survivorship or chemicals of creativity and a sense of wellbeing.

So as a vibrational frequency that hits these antennas becomes more coherent and becomes more holistic this system on a subconscious level perceives wholeness and wellbeing. And so it starts sending a message up to the brain that says all as well here. You can chill and become the creative genius that you were meant to be.

Healing happens as a byproduct of that. On every level, we heal because we are not focused on trying to find a problem, fix it, and heal it but rather we are embracing our wholeness as the creative energy that we truly are. As we embrace that and become that, healing happens as a byproduct of the recognition or the recognition of what we are as energy beings.

Steven:  [0:18:44] And really, what you are saying is it’s a deeper understanding that we are made up of atoms. Atoms, we know are made up of energy particles and so we are energy.

When you understand your bodily systems as energy systems that have a far deeper meaning and far deeper interplay and progressions, you know epigenetics really came about in 2002 after the Human Genome Project. The Human Microbiome Project showed us in 2008 that we are merely more bacteria than we are human cells.

When we start to paint this picture, we’ve got this huge complex organism and even beyond. An organism doesn’t really describe it. You are describing let’s understand this whole thing and let’s control it in a way that we can get the whole thing into control. I think when you bring that understanding, and when people kind of feel this and see themselves as part of this whole field, it’s quite life changing, isn’t it?

Dr Sue: [0:19:47] It absolutely is it. It changes everything. We begin to be able to morph as we have witnessed bacterial organisms be able to shape-shift themselves to survive in an environment or to morph into the circumstances that are more appropriate for their very inhabiting space.

We start to recognize just as an example of what you are speaking about, that we are made of that. That we have the ability to shape-shift ourselves and it’s only been our beliefs that have kept us from doing that. Our beliefs have held us in certain geometries, certain mathematics that have energy running through our system, which is what we are.

We are energy that is managing or controlling or limiting how that energy is able to express in its fullness. Because our mind field is so powerful it can shut down or shut out an infinite amount of vibrational conditions, vibrational states, just because we don’t even allow ourselves to perceive it or to accept it as a possibility for us.
And so consequently we are living as a distortion, as a mutation versus what we could actually be being which would be self-healing, self-regulating, and into a much higher degree of sophistication than what we currently are experiencing ourselves as being self-healing.

We cut ourselves and we know that’s going to heal. We break a bone. If it’s repositioned properly the body knows what to do to heal that. But that is a very elementary version of what we could be doing with those same principles and faculties that we are made of.

Steven:  [0:21:27] The way I kind of look at it really is that we are just deepening our understanding and we are getting a whole self around it and how we ourselves really interplay with what’s going on around us.

It’s absolutely mind-blowing the way when you think of the implications in health across what humanity can do potentially with consciousness. But it’s really not a new topic, is it? There are a lot of these teachings, very grounded in ancient philosophy.

When you look into the Vedas and Egypt and into the Mayan cultures, they really spoke about this kind of stuff. Tell us about your background and how you’ve experienced what you are seeing and what we know about science and how it connects to ancient cultures.

Dr. Sue: [0:22:17] It’s a phenomenal time to be alive because we are remembering. We are able to recognize what the indigenous peoples on the planet were aware of, what possibly was cede here from civilizations that had greater understandings than that we are now reawakening to.

As I had this big awakening in my own consciousness and really illuminated at this ottoman, this higher self-level, I could perceive. First of all, I could see in those moments, I could see 360 degrees in every direction and light so brilliantly bright.
It was 10 times brighter than the brightest day in the desert I had ever experienced in. I was a ray of light. I was me. I knew who I was. I had free will I had, I had consciousness, but I wasn’t in a body. I was just this ray of light, this stream of consciousness which science would say that’s part of the brain that’s imagining these things, etc.

But it was far beyond anything that I had experienced before. What happened after that is the circuitry in my system started kicking in and igniting and activating aspects of my own structure, my own DNA. My own chemistry started changing. I healed scoliosis in my body. Migraine headaches were healed.

All kinds of things were changing just because my vibrational frequency was changing. So then putting together through clinical, I turned my life into this laboratory, started measuring and monitoring what was happening so that I could reproduce this state, this frequency that I could access it.

I use my patients and clients as I would find something that would work with me, I would try it with them. I found that they were getting better, faster. They were healing. They were staying healed longer and things were changing. So I started codifying what was happening and that’s what I’m writing about.

But the beautiful part was I found that in the process of doing all that I came upon certain principles that were required for me to be able to return to this state of higher consciousness. After doing so and after starting to teach it to other people and really having this body of work that I was working with I came upon the study in the Upanishads, in the yoga sutras and the Vedas.

These ancient texts that are really the first scriptures that were written about self-awareness, about consciousness, about evolving ourselves intentionally, about how to live from this state of higher being. I saw that what was in them was actually the same as what I had discovered.

My first response was great, where was this 10 years ago when I really needed to hear it? On the second hand I was thrilled that I hadn’t seen it because by discovering it myself, I recognized that every one of us is made of this, that we are really compressed. We are the universe. We are the cosmic energy.

We are the manifest world compressed into a physical reality, into the physical dimension so that the human body is a structuring dynamic of the universe. As we rise up through it with our consciousness we are tapping all the various vibrational frequencies of the universal being.

Universal intelligence is alive and well inside of us. These Vedas, these sutras, these sacred texts, the Upanishads, are not something that was just available to us thousands of years ago. It’s available and alive and well now inside of every single one of us.

It is so important that we embody that and animate it and allow it to become true within us so that we can return to this deep wisdom. I go to sacred sites all over the world. I have experiences there. I see things that are obviously validating what I have reawakened to inside myself.

I see the hieroglyphs in the temples going up the Nile and I know what they are saying. I go to Machu Picchu and I see something very unique about things that people have spoken about forever, about the structures and how these temples were built, the magnificence and the mystery of it all.

These wonders of the world are actually revealing the truth of who we are and what we are made of. And then years later, after commenting on it or teaching the students that are traveling with me I hear that the Germans were just here studying that these stones actually aren’t chiseled out of the mountainside and rolled up into this position.

They are actually measured as a fusion of materials. They don’t have the normal veining of regular stones and they are an amalgamation and alchemical response to something that happened 100000 years ago. Interestingly, we are also shown that human DNA is considered to be a fusion of many different species that were put together at about 100000 years ago.
And then we go to Ancient Egypt and we see that these embossings, they aren’t carvings, they are embossings that were obviously done with laser type technology that they are dating back to about 100000 years ago.

And so it seems to me that we are reawakening through the advent of our technology and the study of quantum science and the recognition that there is more than meets the eye. That we are multidimensional creatures and that we have existed for a long, long time.
And that we as conscious beings are rearranging that into different shapes and different circumstances and reawakening to the great collection and collaboration of energetics that we are. We are far beyond healers. We are masters and it’s about awakening our awareness to these facts that there is much more than meets the eye.

Steven:  [0:28:07] It’s funny when you go through that process. For people especially, that have this very kind of modern perspective on things, we are stuck in our textbook and our very literal sense of interpreting the world. When you look at ancient sites through that lens it looks like this archaic very rudimentary view of the world.
Egypt is very beautiful but you just don’t appreciate. And then all of a sudden once we’ve upgraded our knowledge and it’s just expanding and knowledge, isn’t it? So once you really understand that well there are deep messages in particle physics, and they are showing, for instance, in the Dogon tribe in Africa, their teachings talk about the second star of Sirius.

Astronomers are still trying to work out whether there’s a third one because they talk about those as well. They talk about the formation of matter, the 266 portions of matter that we now know are close to what Steven Hawking says is the number of fundamental particles.

They were talking about this in their very sacred teachings, their priests and everyone and they would uphold this. But now today what we are seeing is we are going back to this. Really it’s just amazing to see someone like you who has embodied this.

You can see this has happened before, and that we are experiencing this again. It’s a very exciting time. In terms of Vedic philosophy, particularly they talk about consciousness as being the baseline in terms of how reality is controlled by consciousness. When you looked at these texts, how did that affect your practice of, or did just confirm?

For instance, were you just like yep, that’s it? And so when you started these things or when you experimented and understood them and you saw these ancient texts, did you see there’s like, oh yeah, this is the same thing or was it kind of like a calibration process that kind of changed things to moving forward? Or was it just like yep, that confirms?

Dr Sue: [0:30:30] It was mostly a confirmation, amazingly to my own mind. It’s like, how could this land in my consciousness without having read it before? I recognized that the how-to’s that they were describing, the things that were the most important for a being to awaken to their origin, to awaken to who they truly are there were certain things that they needed to do in order to do that.

They had to have certain understandings or certain perspectives and certain practices etc. These were the understandings and practices that were developing through my own trial and error process. It was completely validating and refining at the same time because it was something that I was just learning to articulate.

I was just bringing it all the way forward into words and into these concepts as I was living it and living into it. I could be it. I could heal myself through this presence that was animating, that was awakening inside of me. As it turns out it was the real me that was surfacing and rising up through the shield, the layer of the personality self and the thinking rational linear mind.

It was the quantum mind which we call the observer mind in psychology. What was happening was the birthing of the true essential self was having a strong robust enough presence that it was able to pierce through the barriers of this analytical rational learning mind from reading and studying and doing research from the perspective that we’ve been trained to do.

It was kind of happening simultaneously from every direction all at once, landing in this place and tremendous. I also wanted to speak to what you are saying about these ancient civilizations. The Cherokees, the Native American Indians, claim in their history that their lineage is directly from another planet, from the Pleiades, that they are direct descendants and these types of influences here.

The ancient Egyptians write about other civilizations bringing technology to the planet and helping to evolve our consciousness. In ancient Egypt what was happening was the minefield was developing. It was so powerful that it was blowing things up just because we would direct our powerful quantum attention in a laser-like fashion and it was just this power that was beyond control.

These other civilizations called from a fifth dimension, what we reference as a fifth-dimensional being, which is just a higher frequency, a higher level of consciousness is all it is.

It’s not about somewhere out there. It’s all right here but that they brought the vibrational frequency of love which tethered this power of the mind and allowed us to kind of put an insulator on it so that what was being created was something that was holistic and that was wasn’t blowing things apart.

There are so many different ways of looking at it. What we know is that we are electromagnetic beings. Our consciousness is electric and our system, our body is more magnetic and that as we merge those energies together we are able to awaken to a greater version of who we are.

Steven:  [0:33:52] It’s amazing that there are tracings of the practices, the Cherokee Indians, Egyptians, the Mayans, indigenous Australians, all over the world, these practices that they kept held so sacred. Something in the modern world, what we’ve kind of seen was a little bit rudimental and probably just this strange cultural thing that they would do.

But when you start talking especially you look at what they do and the chanting and the use of smoking sound, vibration, it’s energy. And so what they were doing with the sacred practices that they wrote about, they knew that. They say they were taught, and every society on the planet says they were taught this information.

Who knows where they got it from? Like someone like yourself who was born with it, or this ability to be able to access it or whether it was some kind of maybe an intelligent being that could potentially teach humanity. It seems like we are in the realms of possibility there that that could happen.

It blows your min today but they really had practised it. And one thing I love about your work is that you really bring it to an actionable step by step, how any anyone listening to this can begin their practice because this is important, isn’t it? It’s something that one that you’ve healed yourself many people with.

But really, when you start to think about this, this is a very big concept that we kind of all needs to get our heads around. Tell us about the steps you go through in your book and how you found this is an easy way to kind of access because I think, not everyone has the fortunate or maybe unfortunate, however you look at it, way of being born with this kind of thing. It’s obviously a gift but how have brought that so that other people can practice it?

Dr. Sue:  [0:35:43] Certainly. What I what I’m doing in the book is breaking it down step by step. Even though it’s a quantum concept and a quantum reality that we are living in, I’m trying to bring it forward in a way that is linear understandable because we’ve been trained in a linear fashion.

Our brains need to hear it like break it down for me, what do I do first, what do I second and etc. I’m teaching people how to bring their consciousness in a concept from the Ancient East, Pratyahara.

It means to withdraw your senses and it means that we’ve been externally oriented and we have to bring our attention, our senses and bring them inward, and which we do in meditation but there are many additional ways to do that, particularly, good news for people who have a difficult time meditating.

There are ways to build circuitry inside. So what I’m doing basically is because we’ve been externally oriented, we have a photon density, externally oriented. We have neurocircuitry then fashioned to monitor the outer world instead of monitoring the inner world.

The inner world is the true world. It is the rest of the story if you will. As we direct our attention inwardly we create photon density at the central core of the body. The human system has a toric field that is created because energy is dropping down through the body and that energy is us.

We are an energy being. We are energy. We are springing forward into this third dimension where consciousness is expanding and we are bringing conscious energy here. We are bringing consciousness to the energy that is here. We are waking up at the third dimensional level to a higher frequency. this third dimension. We land on planet earth and we kind of spurt a little bit and then we turn and kind of rise up in the midst of that. As we rise that energy then cycles up through the body and comes out the top of the head and rains down around the outside of the body, come back in about the tip of the spine.
This is measurable bioenergetics. And then it rises up through the core again, out the crown, out the top of the head and just recycles and recycles. It’s constantly being replenished from overhead, constantly hitting the earth, and then rising up from the earth in what I call to step down for human consumption so that we can perceive it and we can start to work with it.

Steven:  [0:38:11] Would you explain that as a flow of protons? How do you explain that?

Dr. Sue: [0:38:16] Yes, it is the flow of protons and it is all light ultimately. Protons are just compressed light so the more dense, the more compressed, the denser and then we start naming it as different particles. So we are creating this density of light energy photons at the core and it becomes dense enough that it has an effect on the electrons.

The electron then becomes more tangible having an influence on the atoms, having an influence on changing the vibrational frequency at the molecular level, then the sensory nervous system can start to perceive something there because it has more mass, it has more density to it.

It has a quickening that oh, there’s something there. We develop a sense of self deep in the core of our own system that we never had because our attention was external. We were looking to the outer world to give us feedback on who we are. We were looking for you to tell me if I’m okay.

So we developed a sense of self based on the externalization of our senses. This Pratyahara is this idea of one of the most important things that an individual will ever do to awaken to their own true self is to return, to withdraw their senses. Not to seal off from the outer world, but to just fold it like accordion-like just quicken at the core.

By doing so we start to create photon density, sensory receptors at the core of our being. and the next thing we have a sense of self that’s unconditional. I can feel who I am regardless of what’s going on in my external circumstances. Previously I had to control my external circumstances in order to feel a sense of self.

But now if I have this sense of self that’s internally anchored and oriented it doesn’t matter what you are doing. I still feel who I am and so I become unconditional and unwavering in my presence here. By doing this we start to develop a sense of self, and the sensory nervous system starts to memorize who we are and it stops referencing the outer world in order to do that.

That frees up a whole lot of energy, the energy that is constantly spent on controlling our environment for a sense of safety. And so our fight or flight system starts to decline, starts to rest because we are not under threat. We know who we are. We know everything’s okay.

We have a sense of self at the cellular level and the chemical level responsibly. In this, we are able to build the circuitry for our wholeness instead of our partialness or our relative selves. I’m teaching people how to build circuitry of embracing different emotional states, different thoughts, different experiences without naming them and without having a judgment on them.

Once we name something we have a judgment about it. We have a decision. We have a story about it. We have a whole perception of what goes along with that and it makes it really hard as an energy being to shape-shift our energies in an instant because we think we have to work through the story before things can change.

And then we start to feel apathetic like frustrated, we can’t change the things that we want to change. So if we stop naming things and stop working with diagnoses and that kind of thing, what happens is we have access to energy that we could start to shift.

When we shift the energy we start to heal regardless of the diagnosis. This is what explains people healing even though doctors are telling them you’ve only got a short period or this isn’t going to go so well for you. Years later they are here telling us the story about they don’t understand it but they are well.

The reason that they are well is that they didn’t bite into the story. They didn’t attach themselves to that which they were being told and so the energy remained available to be this self-healing, self-rejuvenating, toric field flow through their system which is designed to constantly be perfecting and recreating the temple of the body that we’ve been hearing about for centuries.

I’m teaching people that when they have experience and a charge in that experience that there’s something happening in the body in that incident. If they took their mind’s attention to their body they would feel an area of charge in their throat or their chest or their belly, their gut, what have you.

There’s a message in that. There’s medicine in it, in fact, and if they would learn, and they can that’s what I’m teaching people how to do, how to build the circuitry to connect the dots so that the energy isn’t getting blocked and building up as this charge but rather maintaining its flow.

Then they can not only heal from this circumstance but they evolve themselves consciously by establishing the circuitry for their own evolution to rise in its vibrational frequency by raising up through the body to the high brain centers above the primitive brain where fight or flight gets triggered.

We awaken in these high brain centers where we are the creator. And this is regarding the Vedas and Hinduism and these kinds of principles that were really just instruction manuals on enlightenment and awakening to the quantum being. We start recognizing that the gods that were in them on the mountain top are actually positioned as states of consciousness, higher in the brain than the then primitive brain and the fight or flight, the [0:43:38] and up above.

Opening up the relationship between the thalamus and the hypothalamus in the brain allows us to operate as creator rather than reactor rather than responder, but actually generative of our entire world and the experience that we are having in it.
At that place, healing happens as a byproduct and we start thinking in terms of unity and presence and equality of heaven on earth or heaven earth as I call it. It’s just one thing. It’s not two separate worlds.

It’s an opportunity for us to learn how to move energy and then build the neurocircuitry to support the sustaining of that new energy flow so that we can ultimately evolve from living in our analytical mind to living in our quantum mind that can perceive with through in a stimulation of the pineal which is receiving high-frequency energies all the time. But we’ve never been taught how to tap those things and this is what we are doing with the book.

Steven:  [0:44:42] It’s fascinating but every human being potentially is an antenna and it really is. It’s so grounded in science because we know for instance the effect of breathing on the parasympathetic and autonomic nervous system. These are things that people suffer from every day.

What I love about it and what I love about how you presented it is that it really is applicable for everyone and very simply. These are things that are grounded in very ancient texts. It is speaking of something that I can’t really explain what it is and what exactly it all means.

But there’s something profound there in what you say there about potentially reaching higher consciousness or higher levels. Maybe there is an upgrade that we are going through or that we can go through. To finish off I’d really love your thoughts on that. Where do you see yourself in five years and where would you like this to have taken you and maybe planet earth in five years’ time?

Dr Sue: [0:45:40] Yeah, definitely. I am definitely here to help humanity reach a critical mass and mastering their invisible selves so that they are visible selves have a much better experience here on earth and so that we begin to learn what unconditionality is like, what divine love is, what true healing is and what true mastery is.

I feel that in the next five years, humanity is definitely going to hit this critical mass. It’s certainly what I’m wanting from the writing of this book and the publishing of it. The promotion of it out into the world is an invitation to say even these simple things that you can do every day and change your driver’s seat.

We’ve been given this beautiful Ferrari and we are trying to drive it from on top of the hood, on top of the roof of the car, wondering why it doesn’t go very fast or doesn’t do the things we want it to do. We have to learn how to sit down in the driver’s seat.

What it actually is, is a totally different perspective than how we’ve been trying to live in this world. And so as we do so we begin to have enough energy left over to care about one another and to actually find a solution in this, in the issues and the problems.

The issues and challenges and the frictions in our lives are the medicine that is here to attempt to awaken us. But we’ve been taught that it’s bad or wrong and that we have to stay away from it. So we cut 50% of our potential out the moment that we don’t want to have a negative feeling of guilt or shame or fear or what have you when in fact those energies are the missing link in the recipe of how to evolve ourselves.

When we can embrace those things and recognize they are just energies, there’s no story about it, it has no meaning except the meaning that we place upon it only because we were trying to do such things in a judgmental fashion. When we learn to just start embracing the raw energy being that we are in every way that it shows up, we transcend this idea that we need to survive and we bring truly the blissful state of consciousness that we are at our very foundation.

We bring it to life here in this dimension and all the other dimensions that we have access to and that we do it exist in. This is the one where the friction occurs, but where we have an opportunity to take duality and create unity out of it. But we think that we have to fight against something in order to stake our claim or to stand our ground and it’s actually the embracing of all things that is necessary.

For myself, I’m interested in embodying that in every facet of my being in every way that I can so that I can find even more ways of sharing the how-to with humanity so that we can all play in this world the way that we were designed to, together.

Steven:  [0:48:33] Dr. Sue Mortar, thank you very much for sharing your story. And really, your mission is one that really is profound in terms of how it can help people. I love how you brought it together in your own personal experiences but also how you are applying this as a clinician. This really is the message that needs to get out there. So I really encourage people to get out there and read your book. Where can people find you?

Dr. Sue: [0:49:00] The book is called The Energy Codes, and you can preorder it. The book is launching with Simon and Schuster on March 19th. They can come to my website, www.DrSueMortar.com. They can even go to www.drsuemortar/ordertheenergycodes and not only get the book but also get some meditative experiences, and some other gifts that come along with that, if they were interested in that.

The book is cool in that it has some links inside of it that you can go to for video demonstrations of everything that I’m teaching, showing you how to do it. It’s kind of a multimedia approach to trying to learn and remember to actually remember who we are and to activate those things on this deep cellular and genetic level so that we can turn on all of the vibrational frequencies that we are intended to be here.

Steven:  [0:48:55] Sue, I wish you all the best and I really hope we continue this conversation because your work is just fascinating and brilliant. Thank you very much for joining us.

Dr Sue: [0:50:01] Thank you. My great pleasure.

Steven:  [0:50:06] Thank you for listening to today’s show. For more information, you can read the full transcript, articles, and discussion on our website humanoriginproject.com. You can visit us on social media at Human Origin Project on Facebook and The Human Origin Project on Instagram.

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