Are you one of us? Would you like to contribute to the biggest conversation about the origin of humanity?

Then we want to hear from you.

The Human Origin Project is a community collated platform to share the brightest, most cutting edge, scientific, and philosophical explorations of human origins.

Are you an experienced writer? Great! We can’t wait to hear from you.

If you haven’t written before, but you have a great idea, no problem! Follow the simple steps below.

How to become an author for the Human Origin Project:

  1. Read articles on the Human Origin Project.
  2. Have a great idea.
  3. Research the idea, collect your sources and ideas into one document.
  4. Write a short (the shorter the better), 800-2000 word, article that brings the most important points together in a simple, relatable, and evidence-based storyline.
  5. Now Google the topic. What terms come up? What questions are people asking about this topic. Make a list of 3-5 of these words and use those words in your article. Pick one to use in the heading, and use the others in subheading where appropriate.
  6. Reduce the use of big words (no 4 syllables words)
  7. Reduce the use of long sentences.
  8. Reduce the length of paragraphs and separate them into short subheadings.
  9. Read it, does it serve the purpose you want to get across?
  10. Reference the four to five most important sources at the end of the article.
  11. Save it, let it sit for one week before opening it again. Read it, and ask yourself. ‘Does it resonate with the purpose you wanted to share?’
  12. If there are relevant images from the internet. Find them and hyperlink them in the text.



Via Email:

Subject: SUBMISSIONS: [Heading of Article]

Copy the body of the text into the email with no attachments.

Send your article to:

submissions [at] 

We aim to read all submissions and reply to everyone. But we do receive a lot, so if we don’t get back to you, please wait three weeks and submit again.

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